
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Carnival time

Hello lovely ladies

Last weekend I was at a party in a restaurant together with my husband and friends. Each year in this period of time we say goodby to the winter and celebrate it with a carnival party! You can find my last years costume here

This year my husband came up with the idea and asked me to were an Indian outfit. For me it was easy because I had a beautiful hand made blouse, originally from India and I just had to DIY some jewelry's to it. But first, my manicure. As you can see the outfit is red, so I made an easy design with red and gold polish combination.

For the base I used Front Cover - Red Shoes and I topped it with Sephora - Purple Jewelry. The gold lines are painted with Tip Top Nails - Reggae to Riches and on the negative space I added some gold studs.

I love the flakes effect in the sun!

Here are some pictures from the outfits and party. My head piece is made from an old earring that I put on a gold chain and the nose ring is actually two earrings attached to another. All the other jewelry's are from my mother, she is a big collector!
Together with my dear friend Aliz. I painted her face!
With my amazing and lovely husband. He wore a commando outfit for a while.
My friend won the second price for the best outfit from all!
Here is a close up from my make-up. It was extremely hard to put the fake lashes on and were them. It was the first time for me!
With the group we set on the same table. They were super cool people. Charlie Chapline won the first prize and Dracula the third!
The winners.
The fans :))

I hope you liked my post. Sorry about the quality of some pictures, they were taken with the phone!

Have a fantastic day and thank you for stopping by!


  1. A jelmez és a manikűr is csodálatos, átjön a képeken, hogy jó hangulat volt nálatok :)

  2. wow, you look awesome, I love your costum and make up!
    Fantastic job my dear Andrea :D

  3. wow, nails, makeup, nails... look awsome!

  4. SUperba ai fost, imi place tinuta ta de indianca pe care ai accesorizat-o fabulos, tare dragutele si unghiutele <3 kiss

  5. Beautiful post!!! you look so pretty!!! great work!!!
    Have a nice day!!! and my g+ for you!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  6. Ce frumoasă ai fost! Foarte bine îți stă costumată așa!
    Îmi place mult și manichiura, dar și machiajul!

  7. Ce frumos!
    Mi-a placut mult manichiura dar costumatia ta m-a cucerit! Ai fost minunata! :)

  8. Gyonyoruek vagytok mind. Nem jon h hidjem, h te festetetted ki Alizt! Nagyon jo lett a vegeredmeny, te is erdemelsz jutalmat! Epp meg akartam kerdezni h honnan vetted s hogyan tetted fel a szempillakat :)

  9. Awesome pictures! You must have had so much fun. Your mani is stunning, suits your clothes so well. And those lashes... how gorgeous!

  10. Toy look soo cool - and the mani is perfect!

  11. Is that an Indian kurta? do you know you look gorgeous in that outfit? *-*

  12. wwwwoooooowwwww de cum am vazut poza am fost sigura ca sunt unghiute asortate la costumul de carnaval...SUPERBE...toata ai fost o frumoasa si tinuta si machiaj,tot imi place,pupicei multi

  13. Machiajul, tinuta si unghiile s-au potrivit de minune si ti-a stat foarte bine costumata asa. Felicitari prietenei tale pentru premiul castigat. Ti se datoreaza si tie, pentru ca i-ai realizat un machiaj minunat.

  14. The photos are fine! Great to see you and your husband. I think that the costume looks perfect on you and the mani was a good match.

  15. What a gorgeous couple of girls you are! :)

  16. Thank you. I am glad you liked my costume and manicure!

  17. Thank you dear. I didn't known that it is called kurta. I've bought it in a special store and it is hand made in India. I absolutely love it!

  18. Thank you, I am glad you like the pictures. I had my problems with the lashes, for me they are quite uncomfortable. But for a night it was OK to were it :)

  19. Koszi, nagyon kedves vagy. Nem volt nagyon nehez kifesteni a baratnomet. Az internetten sok kep van maszkokkal es volt honnan inspiraljam magam :) A szempillakat es a ragasztot hozza a Haoticbol vettem, azt hittem, hogy ki fogom dobni mert nem fogom tudni feltenni, de a vegen meg is sikerult. Szamomra elegge kenyelmetlen volt hordani, de nem is vagyok hozza szokva. Egy ejszakara kibirhato volt!

  20. Iti multumesc mult. Ma bucur ca ti-a placut costumatia mea. Azi am aflat ca se numeste kurta :))

  21. Multumesc mult. Ma bucur ca ti-a placut aceasta postare!

  22. Biza, biza, nagyot buliztunk. Köszi a bokot :)

  23. Foarte potrivita manichiura cu intreaga costumatie,esti tare frumoasa si felicitari pt machiaj

  24. Lovely photos!


  25. Amazing pics!!! Great manicure and cool costume.... the make-up is perfect!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  26. You look so pretty Andrea! The mani is super bling and goes perfectly with the outfit.
    It looks like you had loads of fun!!

  27. Ce frumos este machiajul ochilor. Imi place si manichiura si costumatia :).

  28. Woooww, chiar mi-ar fi parut tare rau sa ratez postarea asta! Fotografiile sunt pline de energie pozitiva, voi transmiteti atata pofta de viata...m-a binedispus sa le privesc! Nici nu stiu ce sa spun mai intai caci imi plac atatea! faptul ca te-am vazut impreuna cu sotul tau (sentimentala din mine, deh), machiajul si costumul sunt superbe si ti se potrivesc ca o manusa! inainte de a citi, am privit pozele precum copiii - mi-am inchipuit ca acelea sunt genele tale naturale! :D
    Like, like, like, cu entuziasm! :)
    Pupiiici, Andrea!

  29. It looks as if you had a great fun time. Love all the costumes, so cool and fun. Congrats to your friend on the second place. You did an amazing job on her face painting, wow! Awesome mani as always. You look so pretty in your dress.

  30. Super idee, cel mai mult mi-a placut machiajul! Esti superba si sprancenele sunt de invidiat! Outfitul iti sta ca turnat, insa nu prea imi place accesoriul acela din nas :) Parerea mea. In rest, you look amazing!

  31. Super cute nails and I love your outfit too! You look beautiful! :)

    New post on GIRL ABOUT TOWN BLOG

  32. You had great outfit, makeup and manicure! I love your friend's outfit too! :-)

  33. Stephanie LovestruckLacquerFebruary 26, 2015 at 3:54 AM

    Nice mani! The red and gold goes nicely with the outfit!

  34. Iti multumesc. Sprancenele chiar recent au fost pensate si am noroc ca le am foarte dese!
    Accesoriul din nas l-am si luat jos ca la un moment dat ma deranja foarte mult :)

  35. Thank you very much dear Lenya, you're always so kind! I am glad that you liked my outfit and nails.

  36. Ma bucur ca ti-a placut atat de mult aceasta postare. Da, ne-am simtit excelent la acest party si ne-am distrat ca niste copii. Din cand in cand este bine sa jucam niste roluri si sa iesim din monotonia zilelor obisnuite!
    Sotul habar nu are ca am postat pe blog fotografia cu el :) Foarte rar accepta sa fie fotografiat si daca tot este prins atunci mai mult se prosteste asa ca m-am bucurat enorm ca avem macar o fotografie reusita impreuna!
    Te pup.

  37. Iti multumesc. Ma bucur mult ca iti place machiajul, foarte mult mi-a trebuit pana am finalizat-o!

  38. Thank you very much. Yes, we had a fantastic time and it was fun to jump in in some roles! We felt like kids :)

  39. Thank you dear. I am glad that you like the make-up, because I am not a big expert.

  40. Multumesc din suflet. Ma bucur mult ca iti place atat manichiura cat si machiajul. Foarte rar ma machiez si a durat o vesnicie pana am finalizat si mi-am lipit genele false.

  41. what a beautiful make up and masquerade!!

  42. Cred ca v-ati distrat foarte tare, imi place la nebunie outfit-ul tau, cu tot cu accesorii...super manichiura ;)

  43. Have a wonderful weekend, dear Andrea!!!!:)))
    Besos, Marcela♥

  44. aww you look beautiful :D I love the red and gold combo. i never been to carnival. such thing doesnt happen here. but the very idea seems interesting :D

  45. Your look is really cool & your nails are awesome!! :D The pictures show that you had fun and it looks like a place where I'd love to go to :D

  46. It looks like a very funny party.Follow me and I will follow you sure back.

  47. Kinga Sarolta KavasiFebruary 27, 2015 at 4:57 PM

    oszinten ha csak siman a kormoket latnam azt mondanam hogy tul sok mindennapra, viszont igy ebben a farsangi oltozetben szuuuuper!!! nagyon jol osszehoztad az egeszet :)

    ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page

  48. Love your manicure, your make-up look and your Carnival outfit too! =)

  49. Gorgeous red and you are pretty :).

  50. Thank you, I am glad that you like it.

  51. Hat valoban a koromok nem mindennapiak en sem tudnam hordani a munkaban :)

  52. Mersi mult. Da, a fost un eveniment exceptional de bun si m-am simtit minunat! Dar acest lucru asa se intampla de fiecare data cand sunt impreuna cu perosane dragi mie!

  53. We have carnival each year at this period of time. The meaning of it is to bury the bad winter weather...we scare it away with the masks and outfits and we welcome the spring :)
    Thank you for your comment.

  54. I am glad that you like it, because I am not an expert in make-up.

  55. I am not a big fan of red, but this time I enjoyed it to were it on my nails. It is feminine and sexy in the same, of course this won't be the last time.
    Thank you for your comment and for being always by my side!

  56. Multumesc. Da a fost un eveniment exceptional si de mult nu m-am distrat atat de bine!

  57. Thank you, I am glad that you like this post!
