
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Nail Team Challenge - Inspired by someone close to you

Hello dear ladies. 

Today is the 7 day from our challenge and I think this is the most interesting theme from all, thought by Andra, Sophies's Nail Art Dreamland. For me it was crystal clear that my inspiration will be my daughter. She is my everything, my whole life builds up around her, so I dedicate this mani to her!

She is a big fan of the Frozen movie and for several times she asked me to paint Elsa or Ana on my nails. So, this was a great opportunity to make her wish come true. 

I usually make simple nail designs and this one needs a lot of skills, so, of course I am not very satisfied with the results. My time was extremely limited too and I made the portrait of Elsa quickly, I think in 30 minutes, and such a work with a lot of details needs a little bit more time in my opinion. My daughter was happy that I choose to make this mani, but she didn't liked the portrait very much either, because the resemblance with the original is not very obvious! One thing is sure, I have to practice a lot! On a big canvas I don't have problems to draw, but on the nails it is much harder!

I live you with the manicure and I am very curious what the other girls made. You can find the link's to their blogs at the end of this post.

  1. Andra (Sophie) -
  2. Oana
  3. Mădălina -
  4. Alina -
  5. Mihaela -
  6. Ana Maria
  7. Madalina
  8. Iulia Maria -
  9. Andrea -
  10. TeO -
  11. Iulia B. -
  12. Alina JustAnAngel
  13. Rita -
  14. Alyce -
  15. Ella -
  16. Andreea M


  1. foarte frumos ti-a iesit modelul!

  2. Nagyon ügyes vagy, ez a manikűr valóban mesés!!! <3

  3. So cute! <3 Am incercat si eu odata sa o desenez pe un tips,a ta e chiar frumoasa,a mea a iesit o grasana :))

  4. Vai ce frumos,cred ca fetita ta e tare mandra de manichiura dedicata ei,pupicei

  5. wow, fantastic design, I really love it <3

  6. great colors

  7. It is obvious that when you have a kid, your life revolves around your child. lovely nails! love them! :*

  8. Love the nails! The design is pretty close and for 30 min its pretty good job! kiss.

  9. So sweet, my dear! I love it! <3 <3 <3

  10. Andreea eu zic ca ti-a iesit minunat portretul Elsei din acest punct de vedere eu nu prea sunt priceputa mai am muult de exersat la sectiunea potrete si figuri, asa ca mie imi place rezultatul , te pup

  11. E foarte frumoasă manichiura, iar mie chiar îmi place foarte mult cum ți-a ieșit, seamănă destul de bine!
    Te pup!

  12. The result is not too bad for a first attempt but if it was easy, it wouldn't be called a 'challenge'. Sure you will nail it (pun intended) eventually!

  13. wow! I think it's great! amazed at how you can paint elsa on your nail!

  14. Manichiura ta e de-a dreptul wow!
    Ti-a iesit foarte, foarte bine!

  15. Beautiful inspiration and beautiful manicure! :-)

  16. I understand you want it to be more like the doll, but do you realise how hard it is to make this?? I couldn't do better if I had a whole day for it. It's pretty and glad you are showing it here!

  17. very cute nails, love the design :)
    lets follow each other! just let me know and I will follow back :)


  18. Esmeralda EvangelistaFebruary 23, 2015 at 3:36 PM

    Fabulous manicure. You are talented!!

    Don't Call Me
    Fashion Blogger



  19. Thank you very much!
    You have a lovely blog!

  20. Yes, I agree with you, it is super hard to make such a design perfect. Thank you for your encouragement!

  21. Thank you very much, I appreciate it!

  22. Vai, iti multumesc mult de tot pentru complimente. Eu nu sunt multumita de rezultat, ca de obicei :)

  23. He, he, your right :) Thank you for your encouragement!

  24. Multumesc din suflet draga mea. Fiica mea prima data nu si-a dat seama pe cine am pictat pe unghii si din aceasta cauza am fost mai dezamagita. Dar voi incerca din nou!

  25. Esti foarte simpatica, iti multumesc mult de tot pentru aprecieri!

  26. Heeey Adriana. Thank you very much! Soon I am going to wright you a letter, I need just a little bit time for it!

    Thank you for stopping by! Hugs and kisses!

  27. Iti multumesc mult de tot! Da, aproximativ 30 min mi-a luat.

  28. Da, asa este Iulia, fiica mea este totul pentru mine! Mersi de complimente! Te pup.

  29. Sa stii ca prima data tot se uita si nu si-a dat seama pe cine am pictat pe unghii. Dar cand am sters-o atunci a fost dezamagita si m-a rugat sa o repictez si sa las pe unghii cat mai lung timp posibil pe Elsa :))

  30. :)) Cat de simpatica esti. Este foarte greu de pictat pe o suprafata asa de mica. Din aceasta cauza admir asa de mult lucrarile perfecte create de Madalina!

  31. Wow... incredible manicure, <3!!!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  32. Splendido manicure!


  33. Wow, ce frumos ti-a iesit...cred ca a fost foarte incantata de rezultat ;)

  34. This is just fabulous, Andrea.

  35. Eu zic ca este un rezultat foarte bun!
    Ma bucur mult ca cea mica a fost inspiratia ta.
    Eu nu am vazut inca Frozen...tot ce stiu despre el stiu de pe net ("do you want to build a snowman?") dar cred ca o sa ma uit si eu in curand la el.

    (Ca sa iti raspund la ceea ce mi-ai scris tu mie pe blog....vreau sa iti zic ca depinde doar de tine ca tu sa ai cu fiica ta aceeasi relatie pe care o am eu cu mama. Crede-ma ca mama este un om minunat si discut cu ea absolut ORICE- orice iti trece tie prin minte eu vorbesc cu ea. Si toate astea datorita ei...pentru ca a stiut sa ma faca sa am incredere in m-a facut sa ma deschid. Nu mi-a ascuns niciodata nimic si nici nu m-a mintit.)

    Te pup

  36. Yes, I follow you on gfc #481, follow back?

  37. Fantasztikusan szepek! Egyszeruen nincs szavam!

  38. Aww so cute!! I love that you made this for your daughter. I think your Elsa looks quite good, much better than I would ever be able to paint her!! But painting faces is really really hard anyway :/ When I see it, it definitely reminds me of Frozen! :)

  39. Andrea you did a great job!! I totally recognize Elsa on your nails, wow, free hand painting on nails is so difficult!
    You might be super good at drawing because if your daughter was not happy with the result it means she KNOWS you can do better!

  40. Mie imi place foarte mult si de cum am zarit manichiura ta in New feeds, m-a dus cu gandul instant la Elsa. ♥ Este adevarat, portretele sunt mai greu de redat pe unghii, avand in vedere ca spatiul este foarte mic si desenul trebuie micsorat considerabil si uneori ai impresia ca nu iti vor incapea toate elementele ce urmeaza sa le desenezi. Ma bucur ca ai inceput sa pictezi mai des pe unghii. ♥

  41. It looks great! <3 Your daughter must be proud to have an awesome mom that can paint this nicely! :D

  42. Congrats for this great nail art ! I love it ! Your Elsa is made very well !

  43. WOW you did this in 30 min only? *_*
    I remember doing my Elsa Design and it took me hours T_T I agree that it's much harder to draw on nails but now that I am so used to draw on my nails I sometimes have problems drawing on a big canvas, as weird as it sounds haha

  44. Yes, it took me about 30 min, but I am sure if I would had more time, the portrait would look better.
    I love your nail art, and you know it. You always paint beautifully your nails!

  45. Thank you, this is a fantastic compliment for me. I appreciate it.

  46. He, he. Mersi. Da este foarte fericita cand vede ca imi pictez unghiile in culorile ei preferate sau daca aplic modele din povestile sau filmele pe care le iubeste.

  47. Pentru mine este un mare compliment tot ce ai mentionat. Tu esti un expert in a picta portrete pe unghii si apreciez fiecare cuvintel scris de tine! Multumesc din suflet!

  48. Well, I was at art school for 3 years and than I draw a lot of portraits, but on big canvases and to paint on the nails it is a whole another thing. So, yes, she knows that I can do it better :) Maybe next time! Thank you for your comment!

  49. Thank you for this compliment, I appreciate it. I am sure I've could done it better on a bigger canvas, but on the nails it is mega hard. So, I am always amazed when I see portraits painted to perfection on nails, made by talented and very skilled nail artists!

  50. Koszi nagyon szepen. Beismerem, lehett volna azert jobban is!

  51. Thank you very much for following my blog and post!

  52. Sa te uiti la Frozen ca este un film foarte dragalas!
    Mersi de sfaturi. Da, sunt de acord in totalitate cu tine! Sper sa reusesc sa fiu si eu pe parcursul vietii ca si o prietena pentru fiica mea! Te pup.

  53. La inceput m-a criticat si a spus ca nu seamana cu originalul, dar la final m-a rugat sa nu sterg acest model nici o data de pe unghii pentru ca este foarte frumoasa :)

  54. Nailpolish addictedMarch 13, 2015 at 2:40 PM

    Stunning!! In 30 min.? :O GREAT!! *_* I'm sure, it would take me a whole day.
    Wish I could make this design like you.

  55. Practice is the key word. I am sure I need it too, because this mani wist Elsa it could be better!

  56. Nailpolish addictedMarch 13, 2015 at 2:52 PM

    For me it looks perfect! :)
