
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

New nail and hand care products

I've bought recently a few new nail care products and I thought I will share with you my opinion about it.

It is not a big secret that I am a big fan of the Yves Rocher brand, so when I saw in the catalog the new Exfoliating botanical hand care oil, I immediately knew that I want to try it. It is the first time I use such a product and I have to mention that it helped me a lot through these tough and cold days. The product is with Arnica Chamissonis and Strawberry Achenes and it exfoliates the hands gently and thoroughly with its 100% natural particles in a few minutes and lives them smooth and very hydrated. It is recommended to be used at least ones a week!

From the Born Pretty Store I bought 2 nail buffers, that you can find here. They came to my attention because of the bright and cheerful color of them. They prepare the nails  in four quick steps! Each side of the buffer is numbered and tells you what it does, starting with a gritty shaping file and ending with a polishing touch in 4 steps. The buffer is OK, it does not remove totally the yellowness from the nails and the last step, polishing does not give the perfect and strong shine that I would expect from such a product.

I needed something for my cuticles, so I bought Revlon the Cuticle Softener, that promises to moisturize and condition the cuticles. The product is a blue gel in a polish bottle with small white micro beads floating inside of it. It must be applied along the cuticle and rubbed in for a stronger effect. I used it exactly like described and I didn't noticed a big change, but I have to mention that it smell very good!

Next is a product that I've got from my Secret Santa, Katy and I appreciate it a lot, because I've heard a lot of good things about the Eveline 8 in 1 Total Action Intensive Nail Conditioner and I wanted to try it too. Everything that I've read and herd about it, is totally true. Two of my nails started to exfoliate and this product saved me. The conditioner supposed to be applied on a clean nail each day, four days in a row. I have to admit that I don’t followed these rules I used it as a base coat, but I can still see the results, my nails are much firmer and they do not break as easily and they are fully recovered, as you can see in the pictures. 

As I saw that this brand works magic, I bought a hand cream Eveline Glycerine Hand & Nail Cream-Mask 5 in1 Bio Goat’s Milk. I am very particular when it comes to hand creams, but this one convinced me. It absorbs very well, at first I was worried that it would be greasy but it goes away in a few seconds and the hands fell like they have a protective shield on it. Hard to describe, it is like a mask. This is why I apply it at night and in the morning I have very well nourished skin. I like the smell of it too!

I hope I didn't bored you much. I tried to be short in my descriptions, so if you have any questions about the products, fell free to ask me in the comments and if you like anything from the Born Pretty Store you can use my discount code from below for any of your purchase. 


  1. That exfoliating oils sounds very interesting. I might try it.

  2. Tentant Eveline 8 in 1:)

  3. Doar tratamentul Eveline l-am folosit si v-am facut capul patrat la toate cu el :))))) si chiar este de nota 10,ma bucur ca si tie iti place.Pup ,3

  4. M-ați înnebunit fetelor cu tratamentul Eveline! :)) Trebuie să-l încerc și eu cândva.
    M-a tentat și pe mine exfoliantul pentru mâini, dar în general eu îl folosesc pe cel pentru corp și pe mâini, dar sunt curioasă dacă aș vedea vreo diferență. Plus că arată atâââât de bine! :D
    Te pup!

  5. Acum ce ma fac? Imi trebuie tratament Eveline! :))) Pai zau asa!
    Si produsul Revlon e tentant...
    Ce preturi lejere au bufferele pe BPS!
    Favorita favoritelor la cremele de maini este cea cu arnica de la YR; iti dai seama ca acum ma ispiteste si acel exfoliant!
    E clar, wishlistul s-a marit! :D

    Multumesc pentru review! :)
    Pupici, Andrea!

  6. I need to make an effort to really take more care of my hands and feet. Especially during the harsh winter season, I could really use the exfoliating gel and mask!

  7. LOvely products!



  8. amazing products :)

  9. Helloooo! >:D<

    Am citit cu mare drag postarea ta si te anunt de pe acum ca esti vinovata de o viitoare disparitie a unei sume de bani din portofelul meu :))

    Am o MARE problema cu pielea mainilor as vrea sa incerc atat uleiul exfoliant de la Yves cat si crema de la Evelyne(pe asta nu stiu unde sa o gasesc din pacate).
    De tratamentul 8in1 nu mai zic nimic..mi-am promis de nu stiu cand ca o sa mi-l cumpar dar nu mai reusesc.

    Mi-a placut foarte mult articolul. L-ai facut foarte detaliat!
    Te pup :*

  10. Great post and detailed review, Andrea. I still haven't found anything really great for the cuticles, tho.

  11. All these products sound so nice! but you certainly intrigued me about the Eveline products, I've never heard about before, and now I'd really like to try them :)

  12. For me it is a completely new brand, I've never heard about them either. I saw by other bloggers and that I was very curious about them. The price of the products is quite low and the quality of them very good!

  13. Thank you. I think I am going to remain on my usual Vaseline products, because they really do their jobs!

  14. Sa sti ca este o investitie buna! Gelul de la Yves Rocher este fantastica, as putea sa-mi masez zilnic mana cu ea, dar am inteles ca nu este indicat. Crema de mana am cumparat-o la Auchan, era 7 lei. Daca nu gasesti, anunta-ma ca iti trimit eu cu mare bucurie! In Cluj intodeauna cautam acest brand si nu o gaseam, dar acum doua magazine au inceput sa importe produsele lor. Cel mai repede se termina de pe rafturi tratamentul 8 in 1. Cred ca multi si-au dat seama ca acest produs poate face minuni! Te pup.

  15. Yes, our skin needs double treats in this period of time. I recommend you the gel and hand cream because they are very good!

  16. :)) Yes, we have the same interests :))

  17. Sa stii ca nu va face gaura in buget daca cumperi aceste produse ca nu sunt scumpe. Tratamentul Eveline costa intre 12-14 lei si merita fiecare banut, pentru ca functioneaza si intareste foarte bine unghiile. Crema de mana a costat 7 lei si a fost o mare surpriza pentru mine, cat de buna este calitativ, iar despre gelul Yves Rocher, nici nu mai vorbesc pentru ca este dementiala. Eu as folosi-o zilnic, dar nu este recomandat! Te pup.

  18. Sa incerci tratamentul pentru unghii ca nu o sa-ti para rau!
    Cat despre exfoliant, cum acesta este in forma de gel, este mai uleioasa si mai hidratanta decat un exfoliant pentru corp sau fata obisnuita. Eu spun ca merita investitia!

  19. Stiu draga mea si la tine am vazut si uleiul pentru cuticule tot din aceasta gama. Cred ca acela va fi urmatoarea mea achizitie! Te pup.

  20. Este un produs de nota 10. Merita sa o incerci!

  21. It is a great product! I would use it daily but the description recommends it once a week!

  22. Multumesc. Daca ai ocazia sa le incerci pentru ca sunt foarte bune si pretul lor nu este deloc mare!

  23. Great post!
    I especially like the look and the description of the hand cream :)

  24. I should definitely try the Yves Rocher exfoliating hand care oil, I'm so curious about this product!
