
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Inspired by a dress

Hello lovely ladies, today I will show my second attempt for the last Nail Team Challenge theme. As you probably already know, this is a theme that I very much love, so I found an interesting looking dress and I immediately know it that I have to recreate the pattern on my nails. Of course the final result was not exactly as I wished and imagined, but here it is, I hope that you will like it at least a little bit.

I used a Rimmel polish for the base and with acrylic colors I painted the flowers and after it I draw the frame and dots on it.

The black frame didn't came out very straight and clear, that is why this mani is not a great one in my opinion, but I had to show it to you, at least to see the gorgeous dress.

Thank you for stopping by!

I participated to a nail art contest and the winners will be choose with votes. If you like your welcome to vote for me, I am number 30 and you can win too. Just follow this link for details. Thank you! 
Please log in for the vote, because anonymous ones are not accepted! 


  1. Wow! Asta a fost prima reactie cand am vazut manichiura.
    Superba de-a dreptul. ♥

  2. Foarte, foarte, foarte frumoase!
    Imi plac unghiutele tale dragalase. :)

  3. Ai reprodus perfect modelul si ti-a iesit o manichiura perfecta.Felicitari.

  4. Your work is fab, dear Andrea!!!! I love it!!!!
    Have a good week!!! and my g+ for you!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  5. I love how you've painted flowers and I'm sad that dots obscure them.

  6. Manichiura este foarte chic, imi place! xo

  7. wow you're really good ! maybe , and I know them like you . congratulations for the blog . if you want to pass me kisses

  8. Mie mi se pare absolut superbă manichiura asta, cred că îmi place chiar mai mult decât cea de sâmbătă! :D E clar că florile sunt punctul tău forte, mereu îți ies superb!

  9. Dar arata minunat!!<3 trebuie sa fi mandra de munca ta, rezultatul este fantastic! kiss

  10. Am vazut modelul pe facebook, dar de abia acum am apucat sa iti scriu cat de mult imi place. Chiar foarte mult.
    PS. te-am si votat :)

  11. Suuuuperba manichiura,o ador <3,pup

  12. I just love this!! I think you did a really beautiful job, the framing looks great. It is such a beautiful combination :) xx

  13. fife fantasi NailsApril 28, 2015 at 9:02 PM

    very beautiful design Andrea :)

  14. Beautiful, I love how the flowers came out! :-)

  15. It looks great! The frame turned out so much better than my frames do (I gave up on trying) :)))
    I voted for you, as well! Good luck! :D

  16. Stephanie LovestruckLacquerApril 28, 2015 at 10:45 PM

    Good job with the freehand! It looks really cute!

  17. Eiiiii!!!! E pur si simplu superba Andrea! Ti-a iesit perfect- felicitari.
    Te-am votat si pe BPS ...iti tin pumnii :*:*

  18. It's beautiful and a perfect match :)

  19. Szerintem nagyon szepek s jol sikerultek. Nagton tetszenek! Erosen jol mutat a piros a feher-feketen!

  20. Great recreation of the dress! I love it and would like to try myself! did you use acrylics for the flowers??

  21. Yes, I painted the flowers with acrylic colors. It is much easier than with polish!
    I am curious about your dress inspired mani! :)

  22. Igen, a szinek kontrasztja valoban nagyon passzol, de a keret valahogy elrontja az en szememben a dolgokat. Lehet jobb lett volna a nelkul. Koszi nagyon szepen!

  23. Multumesc din suflet de vot.

    Ma bucur ca iti place manichiura astfel, eu personal cred ca fara chenar ar fi aratat mult mai bine :)

  24. Thank you very much I appreciate your comment, knowing that you're extremely good in freehand painting!

  25. Apreciez votul tau si iti multumesc din suflet.
    Ma bucur mult ca iti place aceasta manichiura. Din punctul meu de vedere ar fi putut sa iasa si mai bine :)

  26. Multumesc draga Teo. Eu spun ca fara chenarul negru ar fi aratat mai bine aceasta manichiura.

  27. Wow, nu as fi crezut ca la cineva o sa ii placa mai mult acest design decat cea din cadrul colaborarii noastre. Eu ma bucur sa citest acest lucru! Da, imi place mult de tot sa pictez flori pe unghiute.

  28. Ma bucur mult ca iti place! Multumesc.

  29. After I finished the mani I thought the same way and that is why this outcome it is not quite my favorite one.
    Thanks for your comment!

  30. Ma bucur sa citesc comentariul tau.

    Cand am finalizat manichiura chiar mi-a parut rau ca am pus chenarul negru si am considerat ca am gresit cu acest lucru. Asa ca ma bucur mult ca iti place astfel manichiura mea!

  31. They look AMAZING x can you do my nails lol?
    Much Love |

  32. plioti nicoletta manuelaApril 30, 2015 at 2:39 PM

    chiar a iesit super!

  33. Foarte frumoasa manichiura, a iesit superb!

    Chiar nu se observa ca rama nu e perfect dreapta.

  34. Framing nails can be so hard, I didn't thought how difficult it could be until I did my first framing design -.-" I think you did a great job framing yours here though ^.~ And the flowers turned out beautifully!

  35. I do so love this! If anything, I think its much nicer to have the dots also on the rest of the nails. Looks a little incomplete without the dots on the other nails, in my humble opinion. Other than that, I love everything about this nail art design :) I really think you did a great job! ^.^ keep it up! ooh btw, because of the nature of the design, I think the rugged frames actually suits the design! :D

    Ha! I was still in time to vote for you! All the best, Andrea! ♥

  36. The dress is stunning and the mani is a perfect match!


  37. First of all thank you for your vote! I won the second place :)
    I left three of my nail without the dots because I thought that it would become to busy with them and I liked to much how the flowers came out to cover them :) But, I appreciate your opinion, I am sure with dots it would looked much closer to the dress.

  38. Thank you very much for the kind compliment. When I see perfect framed nails I never know how on earth can they manage to do the lines so straight. I tried it several times and I had a few fail attempts :(

  39. Multumesc mult. Nu mai stiu ce tehnica sa folosesc ca rama sa se vada dreapta si egala la grosime!

  40. Yes, I would be happy to do your nails :))
    I love to do the nails for my friends, so it would be a pleasure for me :)
    Thank you for your comment.

  41. Thank you very much. I am glad that you like it.
