
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Laura Clauvi polishes

Cei care ma urmaresc pe retele de socializare stiu ca am primit si am cumparat multe oje frumoase in ultima vreme, printre care si cele pentru testat de la firma Laura Clauvi Romania

Dupa cum o sa vedeti in imagini unghiutele mele au suferit niste transformari, mi-am rupt colturile la doua unghii si decat sa le pilesc foarte scurte am ales optiunea de a modifica forma lor. Dar in curand voi revenii la forma obisnuita, patratoasa. Promit!

Sa revin la frumoasele produse Laura Clauvi. Sincer sa fiu nu stiam nimic despre acest brand, asa ca am cautat date pe situl firmei, si am gasit urmatoarele:

Laura Clauvi este un brand nou, dar ambitios in domeniul cosmeticelor. Este un brand puternic si ambitios deoarece s-a nascut in Franta, in mijlocul unei concurente acerbe unde calitatea face diferenta. Dupa mai bine de 5 ani, gama de produse cosmetice Laura Clauvi este bine cunoscuta si apreciata in tarile din vestul Europei datorita calitatii produselor si pretului accesibil. Cosmeticele din gama Laura Clauvi sunt produse in Franta, Germania si Italia pentru o calitate  superioara.

Those of you who follow me on different social media sites know that I received and bought many beautiful nail polishes lately, and today I am going to talk about Laura Clauvi polishes. 

As you can see in the pictures my nail shape is changed, I had a very bad nail break and I had to choose between filing them down or giving them an almond shape. This is not quite the best shape for my hands, but soon I am going to change it back!
OK, back to the new polishes. Honestly, I did not know anything about this brand, so I searched for information on the company's website, and found the following:

Laura Clauvi is a brand new, but ambitious in the field of cosmetics. It is a strong brand and ambitious as he was born in France in the middle of a fierce competition where quality makes the difference. After more than five years, Laura Clauvi cosmetics is well known and appreciated in the Western countries due to the quality products and affordable prices. Laura Clauvi cosmetics range is produced in France, Germany and Italy for the best quality.

Toate acestea fiind spuse azi va voi arata trei dintre ojele primite. 

NO 73 ACID GREEN - Culoarea intensa a fost ceea ce mi-a placut la prima vedere la acest produs. Oja trebuie aplicata in mai multe starturi pentru a obtine o culoare opaca. In imagini vedeti trei staruri. Din aceasta cauza oja sa uscat greu, a trebuit sa astept mai mult timp, dar se meritat! Pensula este una obisnuita, rotunda cu fire lungi cu ajutorul caruia oja se poate aplica cu precizie, intr-un mod usor! In lumina soarelui se pot observa reflexii aurii, care fac oja si mai frumoasa.
nᵒ73 Acid green

nᵒ73 Acid green
First I am going to show you a bright green polish called Acid Green. The formula is easy to use, but it is quite a sheer polish, I had to apply three layers on my nails. This is why it dried very slow, but after all I enjoyed to have it on my nails. The polish has a light gold shimmer, more visible in direct sunlight. 

Direct sunlight

NO 69 STAR DUST - Din cauza numelui am considerat ca o sa fie o oja texturata, dar nu este. Este o oja cu o culoare placuta, usor metalica, portocalie. La fel ca si Green Acid, aplicarea este usoara, doar in acest caz am avut nevoie doar de doua straturi pentru a obtine o culoare opaca. Reflexiile acestei culori sunt superbe!

The second polish is a pleasant orange shade called Star Dust. Because of the name, first I thought that it is a textured one, my surprise was even bigger when I applied it on my nails and I obtained a slight metallic effect. It is a very nice polish that is beautiful by itself and this time I needed just two layers for an opaque result.  

Utima oja este una pentru stampilat NO 3 ENCRE DE CHINE - de fapt aceasta oja se poate folsii atat in mod obisnuit pentru o manichiura clasica cat si pentru unghii stampilate. Este foarte densa si pigmentata, oferind o acoperite foarte buna. Eu am folosit-o pentru a crea un stamping decal si pot sa va spun ca astfel a devenit oja mea neagra favorita pentru stampilat! Ma bucura faptul ca acest produs vine intr-o sticla mare, de 10 ml.

The last polish is one dedicated for stamping but in the same time for usual application. I am talking about ENCRE DE CHINE  It is a very strong  pigmented product that became my favorite one for stamping. I am glad that it comes in a large, 10 ml bottle.

Ca si concluzie finala va pot spune ca sunt foarte multumita de calitatea ojelor, culorile sunt absolut superbe. Daca doriti sa aflati noutati despre acest brand va recomand sa dati like paginii de Facebook Laura Clauvi si puteti accesa situl Laura Clauvi Romania pentru mai multe produse, nu numai pentru unghii ci si de make-up.

All in all I loved to have these polishes on my nails, their quality is a very good one and their colors are vibrant and very trendy! Those of you who live in Romania, can look up for this products on Laura Clauvi site. 

Have a great day and thank you for stopping by!


  1. Nail polishes are amazing colors * - * and decorating that you created is beautiful. Have a nice day Andrea :))

  2. Aren't they super cute? I love both of them and they're really nice together in your stamping manicure! Great job!

  3. I like the first one a lot, and I love the nail art you created :)

  4. Superba manichiura, m-am uitat minute in sir la ea, e perfecta :D

  5. Foarte frumoase primele doua oje :D iar modelul ti-a iesit foarte dragut :)

  6. Ce nuante deosebite! Le-am admirat de cand le-am vazut prima oara pe pagina ta.
    Modelul este superb. ♥ Sunt curioasa daca se vad frumos ojele in 2 straturi, peste o baza alba.

  7. Sunt frumoase, frumoase.
    Ultima manichiura m-a cucerit. Arata genial! <3

  8. Ma bucur ca iti place! Eram foarte curioasa cum vor arata primele doua oje intr-un decal.

    Te pup.

  9. Da, ojele chiar sunt deosebite.

    Da, probabil oja verde ar merge pe o baza alba mai bine.

    Sunt foarte curioasa ce vei crea si tu cu ea!

  10. Da, verdele este si favorita mea absoluta :)

  11. Multumesc din suflet. Ma bucur ca iti plac ojele si lucrarea mea.

  12. Iti multumesc mult de tot de aprecieri!

  13. Thank you very much Ere! I was extremely curious how the first two polishes will look in a stamping decals!

  14. Thank you very much, I am glad that you like it!

  15. The polishes may be a bit too stripy for me, but your nail art made everything OK :-D

  16. Nagyon szepek a lakkok, foleg a zold, viszont a nail art looja el a pillantasod. Gyonyoru!

  17. plioti nicoletta manuelaApril 30, 2015 at 2:38 PM

    chiar nu stiam de ele, superb verde-galbenul acela!

  18. I love the nail art you created with these! So spring appropriate!

  19. Ce nuante frumoase! <3

  20. Mereu am iubit acea nuanta de verde prazuliu! Manichiura in care ai combinat toate cele trei oje e superba!
    Multumim pentru preyentare! Sa le folosesti cu drag in continuare, Andrea! :)
    Pupici, draga mea!

  21. Lovely colors, great manicure!





  22. Ultima manichiură e superbă! Îmi plac mult toate ojele prezentate, prima arată genial în soare!

  23. Stephanie LovestruckLacquerApril 30, 2015 at 7:41 PM

    Sorry to hear your nail broke :'( I actually like the almond shape on you though it makes your nails look longer! The polishes look lovely... Great job with the stamping too!

  24. The first one is amazing!!


  25. esmeralda evangelistaApril 30, 2015 at 8:09 PM

    Amazing manicure. Love the Last!

    Don't Call Me Fashion BloggerFacebookBloglovin'

  26. fife fantasi NailsApril 30, 2015 at 8:42 PM

    I love this green one, looks so outstanding and springy. I also love your design- beautiful Andrea :)

  27. I like both colours and the nail art you did with them. Very cute.

  28. The green one is so unique! The orange one is not really my cup of tea and honestly I'm not a fan of these two colors to be worn on their own. HOWEVER I love them on your nail art! I think they really pop out and the design itself is very cute too <3 ^.^

  29. Boo to breakage! I am still recovering from some breakage too. Sigh. Eh, but I think almond shape don't look too bad on you. Haha! But no worries soon enough you will be able to file them back squares :)

    I think Acid Green is gorgeous and unique, as Anhy has pointed out. Hahaha! I can't help but notice how well it matches up with your header and watermark (or theme colour). Star Dust is a beautiful colour too, both of them together makes me think of fall though. Hehehe~ And it goes without saying that these two colours goes so well together ;)

  30. Amazing shades, can't decide which is my favourite one... And I love how they look together in your nail art!

  31. I love the vibrant colours! Especially in the stamping nail art you did with them, they really pop over white!

  32. Perfect spring colours! The green one is my favourite.


  33. That is my favorite one too :)
    Thank you for your comment!

  34. Yes, I was very curious how it would look on white. I already have an another idea for a nail art with these polishes.
    Thanks Robin!

  35. Thank you very much for your appreciation. My favorite polish from this too is the green one.

  36. I hate when my nails brake so bad that I can keep my beloved square shape :( Well, now I already filed them square and I wait for them to grow.

    Yes, green is my absolute favorite color and this polish really matches my header :))

  37. Thank you very much Anhy. I am glad that you like my nail art.

  38. The green one is my favorite one too. Thank you!

  39. Thank you. I like on others the almond shape, but not on my nails. Actually I would be curious how a stiletto would look on me :))

  40. Da, asa este, Green Acid are o stralucire aparte si din aceasta cauza imi place si mie mai mult.

  41. Verdele este culoarea mea degeaba am ales un header verde :)
    Eram extrem de curioasa cum vor arata aceste doua oje vibrante intr-o manichiura!
    Te pup.

  42. Da, asa este, si mie imi plac mult.

  43. Wow, Lisa, these words coming from you means extremely much to me! Thank you very much for taking the time to look up for my blog!

  44. Nici eu nu cunosteam acest brand dar ma bucur mult ca au aparut si pe piata Romaneasca!

  45. Koszi nagyon szepen. Nekem is a zold tetszik jobban :)

  46. Yes, you're right the stripes are quite visible, but I love so much the green shade that I don't care about it :))
