
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Nail Team Challenge - Water marble

Hello lovely ladies

My today's challenge post is scheduled because my time is very limited these days and this thing is reflected in my nail art too. Today's manicure is a total fail in my opinion and I am sorry, because the theme was proposed by the super talented and skilled Madalina, the owner of the blog Miss Happy and Her Nails and I really wanted to make something special. I am sorry Madalina, but I promise that my next marble mani will be dedicated to you and it will be much better!

It is not much to say about my disaster. I used the dry marble technique together with some gorgeous Ciate polishes.

Let's see the piece of art made by the other girls:
  1. Mădălina -
  2. Madalina
  3. Ella
  4. Oana -
  5. Andreea M
  6. Alina -
  7. Mihaela -
  8. Kinga -
  9. Andra Kat
  10. Iulia Maria -


  1. Heiii...e chiar foarte frumoasa! Imi place mult cromatica, merg perfect impreuna .
    Si imi plac si unghiutele tale cum arata :*

  2. IMHO this is far from a failed marbling.

  3. Oooo, ce combinatie surprinzatoare si cat de frumos e rezultatul! :)
    Imi place, imi place!
    Pup, cu drag! Iti doresc zile cu spor si cu timp binevoitor!

    P.S. Nici acum nu am incercat tehnica water marble...

  4. Fail? What fail?
    I love the color combo & the dry water marble is really good! We all stuggled a bit with this theme, but your nails are gorgeous, as always!

  5. Stephanie LovestruckLacquerMay 5, 2015 at 8:32 AM

    i really like the color combination! i actually struggle more with dry marble than water marble... i end up with bald areas where i dragged through :(

  6. I am not a big fan of this technique and that's why usually my WB looks like crap. I agree that the color combo is nice though :)

  7. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Nu sunt eu mare fana a acestei tehnici, dar acum nici macar timp nu am avut ca sa fac ceva mai dragut. Mersi de incurajare!

  8. Really? I don't like the final result at all :(

  9. Multumesc Ilda. Intodeauna ai cuvinte frumoase despre lucrarile mele, dar de data aceasta chiar nu o merit, ca din punctul meu de vedere aceasta lucrare chiar este nereusita.

  10. Thank you, your very kind. I don't like the final result :(

  11. Da, sunt de acord, culorile chiar se potrivesc dar modelul obtinut este cam de c... :)
    Infine, o sa mai incerc cand voi avea mai mult timp si nu sunt in fuga.
    Mersi de copliment, dar abia astept sa-mi creasca din nou unghiutele lungi :)

  12. Thank you, your extremely kind. I have to tell you that I don't like the outcome at all!

  13. LOL - that's the good thing about manis we don't like ourselves - there ALWAYS are others that do, so personally I stopped even mentioning it most of the time :D

  14. Tu privesti cu ochiul critic al cunoscatorului! Eu privesc cu drag! ;)
