Again, I could not resist the temptation and I went in a shop and found two polishes witch in my opinion are perfect as combination of shades. First I noticed the brown one, which has a lovely shine and after that I had to find an another one that matches this earth shade ... I always precede this way. I was very anxious to apply the polishes, on my way home I was thinking which design to make, but the final manicure was a total disappointment, the dried polish was full with air bubbles. Bad, right?
Din nou, nu am reusit sa rezist tentatiei si intr-un magazin am gasit doua oje care dupa parerea mea se potrivesc ca si nuanta. Nu sunt doua culori la moda dar nu sunt nici urate dupa parearea mea. Prima data mi-a atras atentia lacul maroniu, care stralucea foarte frumos si dupa aceea cautam o nuanta care sa se potriveasca cu ea...asa procedez de fiecare data. Abia am asteptat sa le aplic pe unghii, in drum spre casa ma si gandeam la un model pe care sa il creez. Am si finalizat manichiura si la uscare dezamagire totala, rezultatul finit era plin cu bule de aer. Urat de tot, nu?
I could not imagine why this happened, until I realized that I used a clear base coat that was expired. Next day I bought a new one from Kallos, which gives a beautiful shine to the nails and it contains calcium. after applying the base cot I made an another design and these are the results. What do you think?
Nu puteam sa imi inchipui din ce cauza sa intamplat acest lucru, pana mi-am dat seama ca am folosit la baza un lac transparent care era expirata. Urmatoarea zi am cumparat un nou lac transparent de la Kallos, care da o stralucire superba unghiei si contine si calciu si am creat o alta manichiura cu acelasi oje. Cum vi se pare rezulatul?