I created a very easy to make manicure. My daughter was very enthusiasm when she noticed the fimo flowers on my nails. What could be easier than applying these decorations? You can buy it sliced or rod-shaped, fimo decorations are found in a variety of shapes and colors: flowers, butterflies, fruit an so on. Their application is very easy, with a transparent polish or over the un-dried base nail polish. Do you like nail decorations? What about fimo?
Am creat o manichiura mai copilaroasa, datorita floricelelor aplicate pe varful unghiilor. Fiica mea era foarte entuziastmata cand a observat manichiura cu floricele fimo. Ce poate fii mai usoara decat aplicarea acestor decoratiuni? Se pot achizitiona in forma feliata sau bastonase, decoratiunile fimo se regasesc intr-o mare varietate de forme si culori: flori, fluturi,fructe etc. Aplicarea lor este foarte usoara, cu ajutorul unei oje transparente sau peste oja de baza colorata neuscata. Voua va plac decoratiunile pentru unghii? Ce parere aveti despre fimo?

In an earlier post you noticed that I bought a base coat nail polish from Farmasi. After several uses I can tell my opinion about it. The quality is very good, easy to apply, has a perfect consistency, neither very liquid nor too dense and it drys quickly. It gives the nails a natural shine. If it works well as a treatment, I can not tell you because my nails were very hard before I used this product. As a base coat is very good, does not allow the color pigments from the polish to penetrate the nail surface! Did you used this product?
Intr-o postare mai veche ati observat ca am cumparat o oja transparenta pentru intarirea unghiilor de la Farmasi. Dupa mai multe utilizari va pot spune parerea mea desprea ea. Este de o calitate foarte buna, se aplica foarte usor, are o consistenta perfecta, nici foarte lichidoasa dar nici foarte densa si se usuca repede. Ii ofera unghiilor un luciu natural. Daca functioneaza bine ca si tratament, nu va pot spune pentru ca unghiile mele au fost foarte tari si inainte sa folosesc acest produs.Ca si oja de baza este foarte buna, nu permite pigmentilor din oja colorata sa patrunda in suprafata unghiei! Voi ati folosit acest produs?