Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Fruit and vegetable mix juice

Each week I make at least 4 or 5 kind of fruit and vegetable mixture juices. Not each of them is very tasty, I always try new combinations, and some of them are total failures. Today I show you one, that I drink a lot through the summer time but it can be made in any season. All you need for it is a powerful juicer and the ingredients:

4-5 middle sized apple
3 carrots
2 cucumbers
fresh ginger, not to much because it will be to spicy.

Fresh cucumbers are loaded with vitamin A, B, C, D, E, lignans, and flavonoids. These nutrients provide us with valuable antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer benefits.

Bright orange carrots are rich in nutrients, they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that are good for our health.

Aromatic and spicy ginger adds a special flavor in many fruit and vegetable dishes. Ginger boosts the immune system and it contains antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects on cells.

I recommend to drink it immediately to benefit all the vitamins from this great drink!


  1. pure vitamins :)

  2. ghimbir pana acum nu am incercat decat cu miere, in ceaiuri sau ca tratament, interesanta combinatia. xo

  3. Healthy and tasty!
    Fabrizia – Cosa Mi Metto???

  4. Eu la inceput am crezut ca nu o sa-mi placa aceasta combinatie, dar chiar este delicioasa! Merita de incercat!

  5. Eu utilizez foarte des ghimbirul in sucurile de legume si fructe. Dar trebuie sa mentionez ca imi place foarte mult gustul picant!

  6. Delicious!!!
    Have a nice day!! and my g+ for you!!!!:))))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  7. Si eu combin merele cu morcovi si ghimbir si e delicios. Insa cu castravete nu am incercat inca. O sa incerc si varianta ta :) . Pupici!

  8. Looks really fresh and delicious! I totally want a juicer! XD

  9. It sounds delicious!!!
    Happy wed fashion girl!!!

    My Facebook

  10. Very healthy!! It is loaded with so many essential vitamins. I have to try. :)

  11. Yumm!
    Am incercat o singura data o combinatie cu castravete si nu mi-a prea placut dar trebuie sa incerc si reteta ta, cred ca morcovii si merele fac echipa buna cu dumnealui. :)

  12. I just bought a juicer. Can't wait to try all these recipes

  13. yumm... very healthy...I love this kind of juice!

  14. Very very healthy! Yes, whenever my mum used to press fresh orange juice for me, she would also recommend I drink it immediately :)

  15. Yes, each vegetable or fruit oxides very quickly and it looses their nutritive propriety's, so it is recommended to drink it immediately!

  16. Yes it is, I am glad that you like this recipe!

  17. Well, than you can try a lot of recipes. You should share it with me, because sometimes I am in lack of inspiration for new juices!

  18. Sa stii ca si eu prima data am fost sceptica, dar la urma urmei mi-a placut gustul. Daca te deranjeaza aroma castravetelor poti adauga lamaie si se modifica instantaneu gustul!

  19. Yes, it is healthy and it tastes good too! Thank you!

  20. Thank you, I am glad that you like this recipe!

  21. Do it, and share it with me, how you liked it!

  22. I can not live without my fresh juices!

  23. Ieri am incercat varianta, mere, morcovi, sfecla, telina si ghimbir, este super delicioasa!
    Mersi mult de comentarii, esti o scumpa!

  24. De tinut minte. Nu m-as fi gandit sa adaug si castravete dar daca spui ca e bun, am sa il incerc :)

  25. THAT LOOKS SO GOOD!! Yummy and healthy sounding!! Thank you for sharing! =) I have never tried cucumbers in my smoothies so I will try this! =)



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