I think everyone knows the famous Italian cake with cocoa and coffee, the Tiramisu. I changed the recipe because my daughter can not eat anything that contains coffee ... and Strawberry-misu was born :)
Consider ca toata lumea cunoaste faimoasa prjitura italiana cu cacao, cafea Tiramisu. Eu am modificat reteta din cauza ca la fiica mea nu pot sa ii dau nimic ceea ce contine cafea... si astfel s-a nascut CAPSU MISU :)
Ingredients: 500 gr. strawberry, ladyfingers approx. 20 pcs., 250 gr. mascarpone, 200 ml whipped cream, 2 tablets of white chocolate. For the syrup: 300 ml water, 100 gr. sugar, zest of 2 lemons
Ingrediente: 500 gr. capsuni, piscoturi aprox. 20 buc., 250 gr. mascarpone, 200 ml frisca lichida, 2 tablete de ciocolata alba. Sirop: 300 ml apa, 100 gr. zahar, coaja a 2 lamai
Crushed or mix together in a blender the strawberries and after that mix it together with the mascarpone cream (take care to not form lumps). Melt the two tablets of chocolate and mix it with the cream. Beat the whipped cream and add it to the mascarpone, strawberries cream.
Sfaramati sau mixati intr-un blender capsunile pe care amestecatil cu crema mascarpone in asa mod incat sa nu se formeze cocoloase. Topiti cele doua tablete de ciocolata si amestecati-o cu crema. Bateti frisca si adaugat-o usor
cu crema de mascarpone si capsuni.
Heat 300 ml water, add sugar and the zest of two lemons. Cook until the sugar melts and then let the syrup cool.
Puneti la foc 300 ml apa, in care adaugati zaharul si coaja rasa a doua lamai. Lasati pe foc pana se topeste zaharul dupa care lasati la racit siropul.
Take one piece after another of ladyfingers and put it carefully in the syrup. When the ladyfingers are well soaked make a layer of it in a bigger plate, after that a layer of mascarpone, strawberry cream and again another ladyfinger layer.
The last layer must be cream.
Luati cate o bucata de piscot si absorbiti-o in sirop cu multa grija si asezat-o intr-o tava. Dupa un strat de piscot puneti crema si din nou un strat de piscot.
Ultimul strat sa fie una de crema.
Leave it in the refrigerator as much as possible, even one day and serve it with little pieces of strawberry and cocoa. Bon appetite!
Lasati la frigider cat mai mult, chiar o zi si serviti-o cu bucatele de capsuni
si putina cacao. Pofta buna!