My friends asked me several times how I feel about crackle nail polish. The truth is that in my collection I have only two polishes of this type, one black and the other gray, but I do not like the cracked effect on the nails. I tried to apply this nail polish with different base colors, but I was not happy with the results. But this time I used the Natty Graffity crackle in combination with a pearl green nail polish, called Medusa Isabella. This is a very cheap polish. I love the lighter shade of the green and I could not resist to have this polish and I am very happy that I bought it because it is the first color that I like in combination of a black crackle. What do you think? I completed my design with a few rhinestones in the same color as the nail polish, green.
M-au intrebat de mai multe ori fetele ce parere am despre lacurile care crapa. Adevarul este ca in colectia mea am doar doua lacuri de acest tip, unul negru si celalat gri, dar nu prea imi place efectul de crapat pe unghii, asa ca nu prea le-am folosit. Am incercat aplicarea acestui lac pe diferite culori ca si baza, dar rezultatul nici o data nu m-a incantat. Dar de data aceasta am folosit crackle-ul Natty Graffity negru in combinatie cu un lac verde sidefat, Medusa Isabella se numeste, este un lac extrem de ieftin (2 lei). Mi-a placut foarte mult nuanta mai deschisa de verde si nu am rezistat sa nu il am. Nu imi pare rau ca l-am cumparat ca insfarsit am gasit culoarea care chiar imi place cum se imbina si completeaza crackle-ul negru. Voi ce parere aveti?