Thursday, November 29, 2012

Explanations and a manicure - Color Club

It is very difficult for me to write these lines, but I think I need to give my readers an explanation for my absence. Unfortunately I have serious health problems that do not allow me to continue with blogging. I will go through long and difficult treatments that  will need time and energy. I will not give any more details about my problems, those who want to stay in contact with me can do so through Facebook and I will try to answer all your questions.

I have some obligations with two company's, they sent me a few products and I will try to make proper review's for them, but unfortunately I can not continue with my beloved hobby, nail art.
Thanks for all of you who commented daily and encouraged me too, I love you all and I am very found of each of you (Aby, Adelina Radu, Adina, Adina Meg, Catalina, Criminal Nails, Daniela Macsim, Dee Diana, Demi MistFabrizia Spinelli, Francesca Romana Caprizii, Josephine B, Kuti, Marcela, Maria, Nicoleta Buru, Puja Malhotra, Raggio di Luna, Susann, The sparkling lemon, Tunde, Zadin, and I could continue this list). I hope we can keep in touch in the future too, I will continue to read you great blogs and when I have time I will comment too!

Not to end this post in a very sober way I'll show you a manicure that I did a few weeks ago. I won a giveaway from Johanna, Hand made ​​dreams of mine, and this way I've got my first Color Club polish ever that is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks Johanna, your a very nice girl! 
I leave you with the pictures. Kiss you all, and I will return in a few days with some reviews!

Imi este foarte greu sa scriu aceste randuri, dar consider ca trebuie sa dau o explicatie cititorilor mei pentru lipsa mea din blogosfera. Din pacate am probleme grave de sanatate care nu imi permit sa continui cu postarile mele. Voi trece prin tratamente lungi si grele care imi vor rapi mult timp si energie. Nu voi mai da alte detalii despre problemele mele, cei care doresc sa ramana in contact cu mine o pot face prin Facebook si voi incerca sa raspund la toate intrebarile voastre.

Am fata de doua firme niste obligatiuni si incerc sa fac la produsele trimise de ei cate un review, dar de acum incolo, din pacate nu ma mai pot ocupa de hobby-ul meu cel drag, nail art-ul.

Nu am uitat de giveaway-ul organizat de mine, dar trebuie sa va marturisesc si sa imi cer scuze de la toti cei care s-au inscris, dar pur si simplu nu am avut timp sa analizez paticiparile voastre si nici nu cred ca voi avea timp pentru acest lucru. Din aceasta cauza am luat o decizie si sper sa ma intelegeti, am considerat ca este bine sa ofer cadoul persoanei care a fost de la inceput un mare fan al blogului meu si in fiecare zi a comentat si m-a sustinut, ea este Claudia Manea, o cunoasteti ca si Charlotte somtimes. Multumesc mult pentru suportul tau si comentarile care mi-au uns sufletul de fiecare data!

In acelasi timp multumesc din suflet tuturor fetelor care imi scriau aproape zilnic cuvinte frumoase, m-am atasat de multi dintre voi (Aby, Adelina Radu, Adina, Adina Meg, Catalina, Criminal Nails, Daniela Macsim, Dee Diana, Demi MistFabrizia Spinelli, Francesca Romana Caprizii, Josephine B, Kuti, Marcela, Maria, Nicoleta Buru, Puja Malhotra, Raggio di Luna, Susann, The sparkling lemon, Tunde, Zadin, si pot sa continui aceasta lista daca ma gandesc la toti cu cei care am intrat in contact). Sper sa tinem legatura de acum incolo! Eu voi mai citi postarile voastre si cand am timp voi comenta, in orice caz imi veti lipsi toti!   

Ca sa nu inchei aceasta postare intr-o maniera foarte sobra o sa va arat o manichiura pe care am facut-o de cateva saptamani. Am castigat un giveaway de la Johanna, Hand made dreams of mine, am primit prima mea oja Color Club, care este absolut superba. Va las cu pozele. Va pup pe toti, si o sa revin cu ultimele mele reviuw-uri in cateva zile!

This is the beautiful giveaway that I won!
These are the polishes I used for my manicure.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Goldfinger 2

I created a manicure with gold foils and I know that I used this title here, but I think this time the title is more proper. I have this gold foils from quite sometime but I did not know what to do with them. So, I thought to create something elegant because for me gold symbolizes power, perfection and of course prosperity. I let you decide if I've managed to show this through my manicure. 

The gold foils in the sun have a metallic shine which are very beautiful, but unfortunately I didn't manage to fully show this in the pictures. Sorry for that.

Am mai creat manichiuri cu oje aurii si chiar am mai folosit acest titlu (aici) dar de data aceasta am utilizat folii aurii pe care le am de multa vreme in dulap si nu stiam ce sa fac cu ele. Astfel m-am gandit sa creez ceva elegant, pentru ca pentru mine auriul simbolizeaza putere, perfectiune si evident prosperitate. Decideti voi daca am reusit sa transmit acest lucru prin manichiura mea. 

Foliile aurii la soare au o stralucire cu irizatii metalice, care arata foarte frumos dar din pacate nu am reusit pe deplin sa redau acest lucru in imagini.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Nail care

Given that the weather is colder every day, the skin, nails and cuticles suffer if they are not sufficiently hydrated and cared for. I went in the DM store and found a product that is good for nails and even for hair! It's about the castor oil with vitamin A from bioeel. It strengthens and moisturizes the nails and the cuticles too.

Dat fiind faptul ca vremea este tot mai rece, pielea, unghiile si cuticulele sufera daca nu sunt suficient hidratate si ingrijite. In magazinul DM am gasit un produs care este bun atat pentru unghii cat si parului! Este vorba despre uleiul de ricin cu vitamina A de la bioeel. Acesta intareste unghiile si hidrateaza cuticulele.

I apply it about 2 times a week when my nails are not painted and I am very happy with this product, it nourishes very well the cuticles and strengthens my nails. It is oily and greasy, sometimes is annoying to have it on my nails especially if I want to read or get my hands on something, but after applying it I try to stay as relaxed as possible exactly before bed time when I don't have another thing to do in the house. What products do you use for nail an cuticle care in this cold period of time?

Modul de utilizare il puteti citii in imaginea de mai sus. Eu il aplic de aproximativ 2 ori pe saptamana cand unghiile mele nu sunt pictate si sunt foarte multumita de acest produs, hraneste foarte bine cuticulele si intareste unghiile. Este uleios si gras, cate o data este deranjant sa il am pe unghii  mai ales daca doresc sa citesc sau pun mana pe ceva, dar incerc ca dupa aplicare sa stau cat mai relaxata si pana la culcare sa nu mai am alta treaba. Voi ce produse folositi pentru ingrijirea, intarirea unghiilor pe perioada rece?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Manicure for a special event

I was invited to an event in an elegant restaurant and because of this I thought to create a proper manicure. I used the Max Factor - Max Effect-Graffiti nail polish and I applied some lines with a thin brush with a white and a silver nail polish. I completed the manicure with a top coat and on each nail I put small-sized rhinestones in the color of the base nail polish. I'll let you with the pictures and I hope you like this manicure.

Am fost invitata la un eveniment intr-un restaurant elegant si din aceasta cauza m-am gandit sa imi creez o manichiura pe masura. Am folosit oja Max Factor-Max Effect- Graffiti si am aplicat cateva linii cu o pensula subtire cu o oja alba si argintie peste ea. Am finalizat manichiura cu un top coat si strasuri de marime mica in culoarea ojei de baza. Va las cu imaginile si sper sa va placa.

Participati aici!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fall colors

Today you'll see a manicure in autumn colors. I used two Golden Rose nail polishes, for the base the cream one and the brown for the tips. Finally I applied a golden line between the two colors with a no name nail polish. Which version do you like more?

Azi o sa vedeti o manichiura in culori ale toamnei. La aceasta manichiura am folosit doua oje Golden Rose, pentru baza - una crem auriu si una maroniu pentru varfuri. La final am aplicat o linie aurie cu o oja no name. Care varianta va place mai mult?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Blue degrade

Today you will see a very simple manicure. When I am uninspired my best friend is the sponge, with the help of it I made this manicure in two shades of blue from Gabrini and finished it with a large rhinestone. I'll let you with the pictures.

Azi o sa vedeti o manichiura foarte simpla. Cand nu am inspiratie cel mai bun prieten al meu este butretelul, cu ajutorul lui am facut manichiura de mai jos, in doua nuante de albastru de la Gabrini si am finalizat designul cu o piatra mare decorativa. Va las cu imaginile.

I'll have a big request from all of you. I participated to a contest with a Halloween manicure at Born Pretty Store and the winner is chosen based on the votes. If you could vote here my manicure I would appreciate it and this way you also have the chance to win a gift from the above mentioned company.  

My manicure is the one seen below and you can vote it here , just write in the comment space No. 2. Thank you very much!

O sa am o mare rugaminte din partea voastra. Am participat la un concurs cu o manichiura Halloween la Born Pretty Store si castigatorul se alege pe baza voturilor. Daca doriti puteti sa votati aici manichiura care va place cel mai mult si astfel si voi aveti sansa sa castigati un cadou din partea firmei sus amintite. 

Manichiura mea este cea de mai jos si ma puteti vota aici daca in partea de comment scrieti No. 2. Va multumesc din suflet!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Farmec - Quick dry spray

Today I will not show you a manicure, I had some health problems over the weekend and I didn't felt to paint my nails. For this reason I am going to show you a new product from Farmec an Expert treatment a fast drying spray that I am using for about a week, I received it for my birthday and I'm very happy with it!

For does of you ho don't know Farmec, it is a cosmetics company in Romania, founded in 1945, with a lot of experience in face and eye treatment. I know their products from my childhood, the headquarter of the company is here in my hometown Cluj. They have a lot of hand and nail care products too and of course beautiful colored nail polishes! I promise that in the future you will see here on my blog some polishes from this brand!

Azi nu o sa vedeti o manichiura, am avut ceva probleme de sanatate in weekend si numai de pictat unghii nu am avut chef. Din aceasta cauza m-am gandit sa va arat un produs nou de la Farmec, Tratament expert, Spray uscare rapida, pe care il folosesc de aproximativ o saptamana, l-am primit de ziua mea si sunt foarte multumita de el!

The product contains 40 ml spray which halves the drying time of a polish on the nails and has a pleasant fragrance. After applying the nail polish from about 20 cm distance the nails can be sprayed and after a few minutes the nail polish is completely dry. Besides that, this product contains a hydrating treatment for cuticles, so they will become very soft after using it. Do you know this product? Do you use similar ones for quick dry?

Produsul contine 40 ml spray care injumatateste timpul de uscare a ojei pe unghii si are un parfum placut. Dupa aplicarea ojei se pulverizeaza de la o distanta de aproximativ 20 cm pe unghii produsul si dupa cateva minute oja este complet uscata. Pe langa acest fapt cuticulele vor deveni catifelate pentru ca acest spray contine si un tratament pentru hidratarea lor. Voi folositi acest spray?

Friday, November 9, 2012

Do you follow nail art trends?

I follow new trends in the field of nail art and I choose the one that suits me best, in terms of shape and design too.
I wanted to post about this topic from a long time, especially that in September I followed New York Fashion Week and as you probably know there are presented the newest nail art trends too. I'm was not impressed of each design I saw, some of them were quite ugly, but I choose one to copy, the one presented from butter London. It is an elegant one and they presented the design in purple plum and gray, but I chose to reproduce it in black and silver.

Eu urmaresc noile trenduri in domeniul nail art-ului si imi aleg varianta care mi se potriveste cel mai bine, atat din punct de vedere al formei unghiilor cat si a designului aplicat.

De mult imi doream sa postez despre acest subiect, mai ales ca in septembrie am urmarit New York Fashion Week si cum probabil stiti acolo ni se prezinta si noile trenduri in materie de nail art. Nu m-a impresionat chiar fiecare model prezentat, unele erau urate, dar eu am ales unul pe care l-am copiat, cel propus de butter London. Este un model elegant in care tu iti alegi cate unghii le vopsesti intr-o culoare si cate in cealalta. Ei au propus modelul in culorile mov pruna si gri, dar eu am ales sa-l reproduc in culorile negru si argintiu.

The original picture.

I am not pleased with the result but at least I tried :) Eu nu sunt foarte multumita de rezultatul obtinut, dar a meritat o incercare :)

It is an easy manicure, you don't need extra tools to make this one, just the brush from the bottle. I noticed that people on the street and on the bus watched my nails, if they liked it or not, I can not say, but what is certain this design attracts attention! Did you tried this one? Do you like it?

Este un model usor de creat, nu aveti nevoie de altceva decat de pensula obisnuita din sticluta de oja. Am observat ca oamenii de pe strada si in autobuz imi urmareau unghiile, daca le-a placut sau nu, nu pot sa va spun, dar ceea ce este sigur acest design atrage atentia! Voi ati incercat acest model? Va place?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

essence - better than gel nails french nail tip remover

If I had a french manicure yesterday I thought to show you how the essence nail tip remover works I received as a gift and I mentioned about it here.

This product was a big surprise for me. I do not trust polish removers in small bottles with sponges, most of them do not work properly, they don't completely remove the nail polish from the nails. But in this case, the big surprise for me was when I cut out the sealed essence box, instead of a sponge I found a round plastic brush.

Daca ieri am purtat o manichiura french m-am gandit sa va arat cum functioneaza dizolvantul essence pe care l-am primit in cadou si am amintit de ea in aceasta postare.

La acest produs am avut o mare surpriza. Eu nu am incredere in dizolvantele care sunt in sticlute cu buretel, majoritatea nu functioneaza, nu indeparteaza in totalitate oja de pe unghii. Surpriza cea mare a fost in momentul cand am dezlipit sigilul de pe cutiuta essence, in loc de buretel am gasit o perie rotunda din plastic.

The box contains 50 ml solvent with acetone, which has not a strong scent, I almost not felt any smell. It is very easy to use, the nail must be put in the middle of the brush, held approximately 5-10 seconds in the acetone and then moved a little on the surface of the brush. It's like a small nail massage :)

Cutiuta contine 50 ml dizolvant cu acetona, care nu are un parfum puternic, aproape nici nu am simtit vreun miros. Este foarte usor de utilizat, unghia trebuie introdusa intre periute, tinuta aproximativ 5-10 secunde in acetona dupa care miscata putin de jur imprejur pe dintisorii moi ai periei. Este ca un masaj :)

The result is a clean nail, not even a bit of nail polish rest on it. This product convinced me. I didn't saw this product here in our town, I received this nail polish remover from Hungary. Do you know this product? Did you used it?

Rezultatul o unghie curata, nici macar o mica urma de oja pe ea. Pe mine m-a convins acest produs. La noi in Cluj inca nu am vazut pe standurile essence acest dizolvant. Eu l-am primit din Ungaria, era la reducere, a costat 99 Ft, acesta inseamna, ca nu a costat nici macar 2 lei. Voi cunoasteti acest dizolvant?

Participati aici.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

French with flowers

I felt like I have to do an elegant manicure. For this reason I created a french one but not the usual one, I made it with flowers. I used the plate B65, which can be found here from KKCenterhk. I have nothing more to add, just that I applied a few dots with a burgundy nail polish, to get a more delicate effect. Do you like?

Am avut chef de o manichiura eleganta. Din aceasta cauza am creat un french, dar nu cel  obisnuit ci unul cu flori. Am folosit placuta B65, pe care o gasiti aici, de la firma KKCenterhk. Mai mult nu am ce sa adaug, doar atat ca am mai aplicat cu un instrument de punctat cateva punctulete cu o oja burgundy, pentru a obtine un efect mai delicat. Va place?

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