Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ugly Tuesday manicure

I had in my collection a gray crackle polish that I bought for a long time but I've never used it, like I knew that the quality of it it’s bad. This nail polish landed in the trash because it's useless. Like you see in the pictures the polish does not crack on the nails it melts and looks horrible. Furthermore I do not have to say anything, just maybe, avoid this product! Or do you have a good experience with this crackle?
Am avut in colectia mea de oje un crackle gri pe care l-am cumparat de multa vreme dar nu l-am utilizat. Parca stiam ca nu este de o calitate buna. Aceasta oja a ajuns in cosul de gunoi pentru ca nu este bun de nimic. Cum vedeti si in imagini nu crapa pe unghii ci se topeste si arata oribil. Mai mult nici nu am ce sa spun, doar sa ocoliti acest produs! Sau aveti voi o experienta buna cu acest produs?


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