I made a selection between my nail polish
collection, and found two colors that I bought once just
for the reason that I was madly in love with the color of beige
and brown and of course I wanted to combine it in
a manicure sometime. These two colors are Golden Rose 108 and 186. I
put in my collection and I never used it. Now it is
the time ...
The design that I made is very simple. For the base I used the beige / nude color in 2 layers ... but I think it could be 3 layers, because it is a very light shade. Over the half of the nail I applied the brown color. When I finished it I did not like it. It seemed to be a very simple design. For this reason I applied between the two colors a decorative gold band and on my thumb three yellow ring stones. What do you think?
The design that I made is very simple. For the base I used the beige / nude color in 2 layers ... but I think it could be 3 layers, because it is a very light shade. Over the half of the nail I applied the brown color. When I finished it I did not like it. It seemed to be a very simple design. For this reason I applied between the two colors a decorative gold band and on my thumb three yellow ring stones. What do you think?
Am facut curatenie prin colectia mea de lacuri de unghii, si
am gasit 2 nuante care le-am cumparat candva din motivul ca imi placea foarte
mult culoarea crem, maroniu si doream sa il combin intr-o manichiura candva. Aceste doua nuante sunt Golden Rose 108 si
186. Le-am pus in colectia mea si nu le-am folosit niciodata. Acum este timpul…
Modelul care l-am realizat este foarte simpla. La baza am
folosit nuanta crem/nude in 2 straturi… dar cred ca mergea linistit si al
treilea strat pentru ca este un lac fin. Peste aceasta pe jumatate din unghie am
aplicat nuanta maro. Cand am finalizat nu mi-a placut nicicum, mi se parea un
design prea simplu, fara nici un efect. Din aceasta cauza am aplicat intre cele
doua nuante o band decorativa aurie si pe degetul mare trei pietricele
galbene. Cum vi se pare?