Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Feather manicure - Fail

For a long time I wanted to create a manicure with colored feathers, and finally I bought from a store such products necessary for this type of manicure. It was hard to choose from the multitude of feathers, but I stopped at a red and black combination. I was very  anxious to try the them and I was imagining how my nails will look like. Unfortunately, a total disappointment, I had to put on the nails several layers of top coat to cover the feathers, and the polish made ​a lot of air bubbles and this way I have a horrible manicure - perfect for Halloween, no? :). But I won't give up, I will try with another top coat than the one I used here, the essence-gel-look nails. Have you ever tried to do this kind of manicure? Can you give me some tips?

De multa vreme imi doream sa creez o manichiura cu pene colorate, si in sfarsit mi-am cumparat dintr-un magazin produsele necesare pentu o astfel de manichiura. La fata locului imi era foarte greu sa aleg din multitudinea de pene, dar m-am oprit la varianta rosie combinata cu negru. Am fost entuziasmata la cumpararea produsului si deja ma gandeam cum o sa imi arate manichiura. Din pacate dezamagire totala, din cauza ca trebuia sa aplic pe unghie mai multe straturi de top coat sa acopere penele, oja mi-a facut o gramada de bule de aer si astfel a iesit  o manichiura urata - de altfel perfecta pentru Halloween, nu? :). Dar nu ma dau batuta, o sa mai incerc si cu un alt top coat decat cel de la essence- gel-look nails si o sa incerc din nou acest tip de manichiura. Voi ati creat vreodata o astfel de manichiura? Puteti sa imi dati cateva sfaturi?


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