From now on I will post in English and in Romanian.
This weekend I was asked from my husband to make a cake after a recipe I received from a neighbor. It's a complex recipe but worth the try! When I got the recipe it did not
had a name so I named it Heaven on Earth. If you try it you will sea why this name :)

300 gr. walnuts
300 gr. butter
18 tablespoons sugar
9 tablespoons flour
9 eggs
½ sachet baking powder
4 sachets vanilla sugar
1 small box of chocolate cream (Finetti or Nutella)
whipped cream
300 gr. miez de nuca
300 gr. margarina sau unt
18 linguri zahar
9 linguri faina
9 oua
½ plic praf de copt
4 plicuri zahar vanilat
1 cutie mica de Finetti sau Nutella
Melt in a bigger pan 150 grams of butter put the
Nuts in and roast them
until they become dark
brown. Take them off from the
fire and add 9
tablespoons of sugar, 9 tablespoons of flour, ½ sachet baking powder and 9 egg whites beaten. Mix all together and put it in a large pan on
a baking paper. Let it bake until it becomes light brown.
Meanwhile mix the egg yolks with 9 tablespoons of sugar, the 4 vanilla sugar sachets and 1 tablespoon of water until it becomes creamy and put it on steam (Bain-Marie) and stir until the sugar dissolves. Let it cool. Put the remaining butter in a bowl and mix until it becomes soft. When the egg yolk cream is cold add it bit by bit to the butter and mix until you obtain a smooth cream.
Remove the cake from the oven and let it cool. After that apply a thin layer of chocolate cream (Finetti or Nutella) over it, another layer of egg yolk cream and finally whipped cream. Voila. That's all. I hope you will try it and you will like it. I wish you good appetite!
Meanwhile mix the egg yolks with 9 tablespoons of sugar, the 4 vanilla sugar sachets and 1 tablespoon of water until it becomes creamy and put it on steam (Bain-Marie) and stir until the sugar dissolves. Let it cool. Put the remaining butter in a bowl and mix until it becomes soft. When the egg yolk cream is cold add it bit by bit to the butter and mix until you obtain a smooth cream.
Remove the cake from the oven and let it cool. After that apply a thin layer of chocolate cream (Finetti or Nutella) over it, another layer of egg yolk cream and finally whipped cream. Voila. That's all. I hope you will try it and you will like it. I wish you good appetite!
De azi voi posta atat in limba engleza cat si in limba romana.
Sfarsit de saptamana am fost rugat de sotul meu sa fac o
prajitura dupa o reteta care am primit-o de la o vecina. Este o reteta mai
complexa dar merita de incercat! Dat fiind faptul ca atunci cand am primit
reteta nu avea o denumire, am botezat-o Cer
pe pamant.
Nucile se pun la calit in 150 gr de unt sau margarina, si se
lasa la foc mic pana devin maronii
inchisi. Se ia jos de pe foc si se adauga 9 linguri de zahar, 9 linguri de
faina, ½ plic de praf de copt si albusul batut a 9 oua. Dupa ce este bina
amestecat se pune intro-o tava cat mai mare, pe o hartie de copt si lasati la
Intre timp amestecati 9 galbenusuri de ou cu 9 linguri de
zahar, 4 plicuri de zahar vanilat si o lingura de apa pe care o puneti pe aburi
(Bain-Marie) si o amestecati pana se dizolva zaharul. Lasati la racit. Puneti
untul/margarina care a ramas intr-un vas si amestecati pana devine moale. Cand
crema de galbenusuri este rece adaugati cate putin pe unt/margarina, amestecati
bine pana obtineti o crema fina.
Blatul de prajitura cu nuci cand este scos din cuptor
trebuie lasat sa se raceasca. Se aplica peste ea un strat de Finetti, peste ea
crema de galbenus si la final frisca. Voila. Asta este tot. Va doresc pofta
mmmm... ce pofta mi-ai facut :"> :*
ReplyDeleteArata tare de bine...iar daca ne gandim si la ingredientele
ReplyDeletepe care le-ai folosit, sunt sigura ca a fost delicioasa si
a avut mare succes.
Este o prajitura extrem de delicioasa, dar de obicei nu prea rezista 2 zile sa steie pe o tava, este mancat instant :) In orice caz daca il faceti, va recomand sa folositi unt sau margarina Rama, are un gust si mai bun decat cu margarina Unirea.
ReplyDeleteLooks so tasty! I must try those someday myself too!
ReplyDeleteNice that you post english too!
Thank you Susa. You will sea, the kids will love them if you try it!
ReplyDeleteWow, arata delicios.