I showed you last week
that I bought some new polishes and nail decorations. Well, today I will show
you one of those polishes and the purple micro beds, I made finally my first
caviar manicure. Hope you enjoy this mani it's extremely easy to make, the idea
is to choose a shade of a nail polish that matches perfectly with the micro beads
and then press them in the polish painted on the nails. I only applied the micro
beads on my ring finger, their quality is not so good, after a work day they
stated to fell off but the nails don’t look bad. How do you find it?
I have to mention that the
photographs were made after a working day and not exactly after I finished the manicure.
Most of the images you see on the blog are done after one work day, I usually do
my nails at night, when my daughter is asleep and the next day when I get home
from work I take pictures of them.
V-am aratat saptamana
trecuta ca am cumparat oje si decoratii pentru unghii. Azi o sa vedeti una
dintre ojele respective si micro beadsurile mov. Sper sa va placa aceasta
manichiura, este extreme de simplu de realizat, trebuie doar sa alegi o nuanta
de oja care sa se potrivesca cu micro beadsurile, pe care le presezi pe stratul
de oja de pe unghii. Eu am aplicat doar pe degetul inelar micro bedsuri.
Calitatea acestora nu este extrem de buna, se cam tocesc dupa o zi, dar nu
arata urat nici astfel. Cum vi se pare?
Mentionez ca fotografiile
au fost facute dupa o zi de lucru si nu chiar dupa ce am finalizat manichiura.
Majoritatea imaginilor pe care le vedeti pe blog sunt facute dupa o zi, adica
imi fac manichiura noaptea, cand fiica mea doarme si urmatoarea zi dupa masa cand ajung
acasa de la lucru imi fotografiez unghiile.