As I mentioned in
my last post I did not had so many time this week for posts and manicures. For
this reason I thought so, since I have on my nails the Essence - Nail color 3, nail
polish, why not use it as a base and paint something on it. Thought and done, I
made two different designs, one on my right hand, which I will show you today,
and the other one on my left hand, I will post about it tomorrow. Two manis with
the same polish.
Cum am mentionat in ultima mea postare nu prea am avut timp in saptamana aceasta pentru postari si manichiuri. Din aceasta cauza m-am gandit astfel, daca tot am pe unghi oja de la Essence - Nail colour 3 de ce sa nu il folosesc ca si oja de baza si sa pictez ceva peste ea. Gandit si facut, pe unghiile de pe mana dreapta am pictat modelul pe care il arat azi si maine postez creatia de pe mana stanga. Doua manichiuri cu aceasi oja de baza.
I put some decorative
tape on my nails and sponged it with the white pearly Ruby Rose polis and on
the tips with the white Medusa polish. I removed the tapes and got this
chaotic manicure, but also one that attracts attention. I finished it with the Konad
top coat.
Am lipit pe
unghii benzi decorative si peste ea cu ajutorul unui buretel am aplicat oja
alba perlata de la Ruby Rose si la varfuri oja alba Medusa. Am indepartat
benzile si am obtinut aceasta manichiura haotica dar si una care atrage
atentia. Am finisat-o cu top coat Konad.