Saturday, February 25, 2012

Donuts with cottage cheese for carnival

If I did a manicure for the Carnival, I will post a carnival recipe to. This recipe is about donuts, but not the ordinary ones that you can buy it lately on every street corner but with cottage cheese. Try it, it is easy to prepare and it is delicious.
I had to make this donuts for a large amount of people, so if you make it just for your family half the ingredients and you will get a smaller portion.

500 gr. cottage cheese
8 hole eggs
16 tablespoons of flour
3-4 tablespoons of sugar
1 sachet baking powder
1 sachet sugar Bourbon
a pinch of salt
Vanilla powdered sugar for decoration
Oil for frying
500 gr. branza de vaci
8 oua
16 linguri de faina
3-4 linguri de zahar
1 plic praf de copt
1 plic zahar Bourbon
Putina sare
Zahar pudra vanilat pentru decor
Ulei pentru prajit

I won’t write much because everything is extremely easy. Mix all the above ingredients together and with the help of two tablespoons form some small-small balls (about the size of a ping-pong ball) and place it in hot oil. The quantity of the oil must be as much to cover half of the dough. When they are ready put them on a paper to absorb excess of oil. Finally when the donuts are cold sprinkle it with lots of powdered vanilla sugar. This will be the result.

Mult de scris nu am pentru ca totul este extreme de usor de facut.  Amestecati toate ingredientele de mai sus si cu ajutorul a doua linguri formati  niste mingiute mici-mici (cam marimea unui minge de ping-pong) si puneti in uleiul incins. Cantitatea uleiului atat trebuie sa fie incat sa acopere jumatate din aluat. Cand sunt gata  puneti pe o hartie sa se absoarbe excesul  de ulei. La final cand se racesc putin presarati  din belsug cu zahar pudra vanilat. Acesta va fi rezultatul.


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