Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Indian style

I made this choice for the title because this manicure or better sad the colors of this mani are leading me to India, don’t you think? I used the gorgeous polish from Gabrini which is a wonderful combination of an orange shade and gold glitter. I love this nail polish, it has a great shine at the sun. To be a more interesting manicure with the help of a lace and sponge I applied a golden nail polish for the finish. The final effect looks like a snake skin or a design from a sari I saw. I am very excited with the result and for maximum effect I applied a few orange rhinestones. What do you think about this mani?

Am ales acest titlu pentru ca aceasta manichiura, de fapt culorile alese ma duc cu gandul la India, nu vi se pare? La baza am folosit minunata oja Gabrini care este o combinatie de portocaliu cu sclipici auriu. Imi place enorm aceasta oja, straluceste minunat la soare. Ca sa fie o manichiura mai interesanta am asezat pe unghii o dantela si cu ajutorul buretului am aplicat oja aurie. Efectul final arata ca si pielea sarpelui sau un design de pe un sari pe care am vazut-o pe internet.Sunt foarte entuziasmat de rezultat si pentru efect maxim am aplicat strasuri portocalii. Voua cum vi se pare?


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