The weekend is
coming so I thought I
post a recipe perfect for this weather. Hope you try it enjoy! It is very easy recipe, anybody can prepare it and especially the lemon sorbet is delicious, that is my
Cum se apropie weekendul m-am gandit sa postez o reteta perfecta pentru aceasta perioada. Sper sa va placa si sa il incercati si voi. Este foarte usor de pregatit si mai ales sorbetul de lamaie este delicioasa!
Lemon Sorbet
500 ml fat yogurt (3.5 -4%)
Juice of half a lemon
Zest of one lemon
Half a cup of honey
Half a cup sugar
White chocolate raspberry ice cream
2 eggs - whites only
500 ml whipped cream (sweetend)
150 gr. powdered sugar
1 tablet of white chocolate
350 gr. raspberries (frozen or fresh)
Sorbet de lamaie
500 ml iaurt gras (3,5 -4 %)
Zeama de la o jumatate de lamaie
Coaja rasa a unei lamai
Jumatate pahar de miere
Jumatate pahar de zahar
Inghetata de zmeura cu ciocolata alba
2 oua – doar albusul
500 ml frisca lichida (indulcita)
150 gr. zahar praf
1 tableta de ciocolata alba
350 gr. zmeura (congelata sau proaspata)
For the sorbet mix all the ingredients together in a bowl and put it in the freezer. After one hour waiting mix it again and leave it in the freezer.
La sorbet amestecati toate ingredientele intr-un bol dupa
care il asezati in congelator. Dupa 1 ora de asteptare amestecati-l din nou si
lasati in congelator pana ingheata.
For the ice cream beat the two egg whites with a pinch of salt and add the powdered sugar and beat until it becomes like a marshmallow. Put it on side and meanwhile whisk the cream and melt the chocolate. Mix the melted chocolate whit the egg whites. Place the raspberries in a blender and mix it until it is liquid, then stir gently with the whipped cream. Finally, mix all the above ingredients and put it in the freezer. After about 5-6 hours you have a delicious and refreshing dessert.
La inghetata bateti albusul a doua oua cu putina sare. Cand incepe sa se intareasca adaugati zaharul
praf si bateti pana devine ca o bezea. Puneti la o parte si intre timp bateti
frisca lichida si topiti ciocolata. Amestecati usor ciocolata topita cu albusul. Puneti zmeura intr-un blender si amestecati–o pana devine
lichidoasa, dupa care o amestecati usor cu frisca. La final toate
ingredientele de mai sus le amestecati
si il puneti in congelator. Dupa aproximativ 5-6 ore aveti un desert delicious
si racoritor.
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