Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Blue as the sky

I bought a new nail polish, I feel in love with this light blue shade, which in my opinion fits very well with this season. At this manicure I applied two coats of Natty 460 polish and over it a layer of clear polish with blue glitter. 
This manicure attracts much attention; I noticed in the bus that everyone was looking at my hands. What do you think about the color? My daughter said that after her opinion it fits better for the winter season, because it's looks like the snow that shines in the sun. Yes, she is right ... but it can be associated with the summer sky to, no?
Am cumparat un lac nou, m-a atras foarte tare nuanta de albastru deschis, care se potriveste foarte bine cu acest sezon.  La aceasta manichiura am aplicat doua straturi de lac Natty 460 si peste ea un strat de lac transparent cu particule albastre. Manichiura atrage foarte tare atentia, am observant in autobus ca toata lumea se uita la ea. Voua cum vi se pare? Fiica mea a spus ca dupa parerea ei se potriveste mai bine in perioada de iarna, ca seamana cu zapada care straluceste la soare.  Da, are dreptate…dar eu asociez in momentul de fata cu cerul de vara :)


  1. Gorgeous color. Your daughter's comparison to winter snow is so apt. But this is a great summer color too. Looks great on you.

  2. O fi fetita ta mica.... dar stie, nu ai ce-i face ;))
    Imi place foarte mult mai ales combinatia cu acel lac care ai folosito!!!
    Bravo :*

  3. Love the shade and combination with glitter!!!

  4. omg... your girl is super fast, well what she said can't be ignored either.I love this mani, summer or winter its a cool shade to try...

  5. so great nails!! i love them!
    please visit me in free time:)

  6. Buna! Ai niste unghii foarte frumoase! Manichiura aceasta imi aduce aminte de mare, este un albastru deosebit :-)

    1. Orulok, hogy az oldalam tagjai koze tartozol! Nyugodtan irhatsz magyarul is ha gondolod!

  7. LOVE this sky blue mani! So beautiful!

  8. Superba nuanta !! Sunt innebunita dupa nuantele de albastru <3

  9. absolutely gorgeous...



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