Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 3 - Sweets

Challenge day number three - sweets. Well, I had a hard time choosing what to make for this topic, especially because sweets are not for nails in my opinion :) and it’s not quit my style ... but that's why this is a challenge, right?
I wanted to create a design as simple as possible and I came to this version.
I used: the yellow nail polish from Golden Rose and with the sponge technique I applied the orange polish from A. I put a few colorful fruit fimo’s on the ring finger and thumb. I wanted my nails to look like fruit candy’s, are they or not?

Provocarea numarul trei – dulciuri. Vai, m-am cam strofocat la aceasta tema, mai ales din cauza ca nu este nicicum pe placul meu acest stil…dar nu degeaba se numeste provocare aceasta competitive, nu?
Am dorit sa creez un design cat mai simplu si astfel am ajuns la aceasta varianta la care am folosit: la baza culoarea galbena de la Golden Rose, peste care cu tehnica buretelului am aplicat culoarea portocalie de la A si pe degetul inelar si cea mare am ales sa aplic cateva fructe colorate fimo.  Seamana cu boboanele cu fructe? 



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